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Greenbelts do not reduce NO2 concentrations in near-road environments




Trees are believed to improve air quality, thus providing an important ecosystem service for urban inhabitants. However, empirical evidence on the beneficial effects of urban vegetation on air quality at the local level and in boreal climatic regions is scarce. We studied the influence of greenbelt-type forest patches on NO2 levels (i) in front of, (ii) inside and (iii) behind greenbelts next to major roads in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, Finland, during summer and winter using passive collectors. Concentrations of NO2 were significantly higher in front of greenbelts compared to road sides without greenbelts. The more trees there were inside greenbelts the higher the NO2 level in front of greenbelts, likely due to the formation of a recirculation zone of air flow in front of greenbelts. Similarly, NO2 levels were higher inside greenbelts than in open areas without them, likely due to reduced air flow inside greenbelts. NO2 levels behind greenbelts were similar to those detected at the same distance from the road but without greenbelts. Our results suggest that, regardless of season, roadside greenbelts of mostly broadleaf trees do not reduce NO2 levels in near-road environments, but can result in higher NO2 levels in front of and inside greenbelts.
机译:人们认为树木可以改善空气质量,从而为城市居民提供重要的生态系统服务。但是,缺乏关于城市植被对地方水平和北方气候区域空气质量的有益影响的经验证据。我们使用被动收集器研究了芬兰赫尔辛基都会区主要道路旁的绿化带类型森林斑块对NO2浓度的影响(i)前面,(ii)内部和(iii)后面的绿色带。与没有绿化带的路边相比,绿化带前的NO2浓度明显更高。绿化带内的树木越多,绿化带前的NO2含量越高,这可能是由于在绿化带前形成了一个气流回流区。同样,绿带内的NO 2含量高于没有绿带的空地,这可能是由于绿带内的空气流量减少所致。绿化带后面的NO2水平类似于在距道路相同距离处但没有绿化带的情况下检测到的NO2水平。我们的结果表明,无论季节如何,大多数阔叶树的路旁绿化带不会降低近路环境中的NO2含量,但是会导致绿化带前后的NO2含量更高。



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